Rebuilding lives and restoring hope through Christ- centered recovery
Here at the Center of Hope we offer hope to those bound in sin through addiction. Everyday desperate and hurting men and women contact the Center of Hope Church seeking help, looking for renewed hope. In addition to providing immediate help for the basic needs of life such as food, clothing, and shelter, we offer a long term, Christ-centered recovery ministry. We provide individuals the opportunity for permanently transformed lives. Drug and alcohol addiction crosses all economic, social, and racial boundaries. The men and women caught in its devastating grips are just like you and I, with hopes and dreams like ours. At some point, life begun to spin our of control for them and they found themselves at rock bottom. Today, they need the chance to change. They need hope. Center of Hope programs and services provide immediate help, long-term recovery, and a chance to reach out to others in need. Whether a resident struggles with drugs, alcohol or other life dominating sins, our many programs will meet them at their point of need.
The discipleship training school consists of, but is not limited to:
-Individual and group Christian counseling
-Random drug testing
-Recovery classes and life skill classes
-Work therapy to develop structure
-Appropriate response to work authority
-Job skills training
-GED preparation
Center of Hope provides a 12 month, Christ centered, residential addiction recovery for both men and women at no cost, only a small enterance fee. We are a nondenominational, 501c3, non-profit ministry that receives no state or federal funding.
Since July 26,2004 we have helped thousands of men and women find renewed hope through the transforming power of Jesus Christ. We have seen lives changes, families reconciled, and homes restored through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Center of Hope provides shelter, clothing, and food for the residents in our program.
Through essential programs like Christian Counseling, Church Services, Biblical Classes, C.A.R.D (commitment, accountability, responsibility, and discipline), work therapy, literacy classes, and GED preperation, the Center of Hope provides hurting people with real solutions.
Each resident will receive Christian Counseling each week. This will be a time for one-on-one conversations about anything that you may be going through. The counselors do a great job of meeting you where you are and helping come along side of you to help you through your situation.
Here at the Center of Hope, each resident will be given the truths presented to us in the Bible. Many of us have found out that the way that the world leads us is a path to great sorrow and pain, but the way of Jesus Christ is laid out with our best interest in mind. Through our classes and services, you will be presented with the way of true happiness, which is only found in Jesus.
Each week we offer both GED Classes and also Literacy Classes on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. We strive to not only help our residents overcome their addiction, but we also strive to prepare them for the future and provide them with the skills needed to succeed.
We believe strongly in preparing our residents for the future, and this is accomplished through our many job skills training. Each student will receive experience working in various job setting based upon their individual strengths. Here, they will be equipped with the skills needed to excel in a future career path.
This is a class that is offered for those that have been set free from the bondage of addiction and are moving forward with their lives. This is a time to fellowship, share, relate, and be encouraged through continial learning of the Scripture